2017 - 2019
Eindhoven University of TechnologyM.Sc. Computer Science & Engineering
Specialisations: Datascience and Entrepreneurship
Thesis: "Bridging the Domain-Gap in Computer Vision Tasks": Object Detection & Pose Estimation for the augmented reality use-case through generative adversarial enhanced synthetic data and domain randomization - Graded 9.5/10
2014 - 2017
Eindhoven University of Computer Science
Specialisations: Software Science, Entrepreneurship. Game Design
Thesis: software application in Meteor issued by a real customer- Graded 9/10
2007 - 2013
Sintermeerten CollegePre-university education (VWO — Atheneum)
Subject profile: Science and Engineering + Biology + Computer Science.
Graduation project: creation of a robotic arm from scratch with arduino, which was controllable by Android devices through a bluetooth API - Graded 9/10
2024 - Now
via Brouns-design @ Pirlo StrategySoftware Engineer
At Pirlo Strategy, a startup focused on growth innovation, I am responsible for developing Pirlo's AI value proposition and building their scalable AI SaaS platform. In my role, I translate AI ideas into concrete software solutions that support companies in their growth strategies. Our software identifies the optimal growth strategies for our clients and facilitates the adoption of these strategies within their organizations.
2023 - Now
via Brouns-design @ Ministerie van defensieSoftware Engineer (Freelance)
Within the Gambit team, I am responsible for virtual reality and front-end development of their (web-)applications, as well as engaging in data science activities focused on computer vision solutions for object detection and the development of an in-house synthetic data generator.
The project's primary objective is to conduct research on smart sensor technology to bolster personal security measures. A pivotal aspect of the project involves leveraging artificial intelligence for automatic detection of anomalous patterns in camera footage.
Project Gambit serves as an integral component of the Flexibel Reactie Concept (FRC) - an innovative security concept aimed at enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Bewaken & Beveiligen (security & surveillance) system in countering the escalating threats from organized crime. The FRC is being spearheaded by the Kenniscentrum Bewaken & Beveiligen, bringing together notable entities such as the the National Police, the Public Prosecution Service, the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV), and the Koninklijke Marechaussee (Royal Netherlands Marechaussee).
2022 - Now
via Brouns-design @ Omroep MaxGame Developer & Consultant (Freelance)
I consult the IT-division of Omroep Max (one of the Dutch Public Broadcasters) on two of their live applications for their famous TV-shows Geheugen Trainer and Heel Holland Bakt. I carry out migration, maintenance and develop new functionalities.
2022 - 2023
via Brouns-design @ EnergyWorxLead front-end developer (Freelance)
EnergyWorx develops an energy analytics & insights platform for energy grid-operators. I was responsible for the technical architecture and helped out in migrating the front-end of their legacy platform (AngularJS) into newer technologies (VUE, VUEX). Moreover I was maintained their legacy codebase while also implementing new features.
2020 - 2022
IntradorSoftware Engineer
Intrador is a startup in the machine leasing industry, where I acted out the role of full-stack data-scientist and full-stack software-engineer.
I worked on multiple of Intrador's porfolio products as fullstack webdeveloper with technologies such as VueJS, Laravel, GraphQL and react-native. Among the products were a backoffice management platform for data that comes out of their mobile application and a big data management platform that featured a custom-build front-end (VueJS + GraphQL) for data annotation and enrichment purposes.
Within Intrador, I also specialized in computer-vision detection algorithms with state-of-the-art techniques like YOLO, MobileNet, Xception and more. In close collaboration with the team, I helped create the AI vision and corresponding roadmap for AI integration into Intrador's software products.
2018 - 2019
PhilipsDeep Learning Intern
I conducted research into the state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms that include the YOLO (You Only Look Once) and Convolutional Pose Machine neural network architecture. Computer vision models were trained using only generative adversarial enhanced synthetic data. An iOS mobile application prototype was developed which featured a deep-learning pose-estimation method (with a Convolutional Pose Machine architecture) that could estimate the pose of Philips consumer objects for use in augmented reality environments on the edge.
2016 - 2019
Succes NetworkDeveloper
Succes Network aims at structurally helping ambitious entrepreneurs realizing their business success. By means of an extensive network of professional independent programmers and marketing specialists, Succes Networks is able to deploy the most suited specialist and acts as an extension of our client's business. Within Succes Network, I carried the role of lead programmer and project-manager.
2019 - 2019
ProdriveSoftware Developer
I was responsible for the architecture and implementation of one of their inhouse software modules. I worked with ASP.NET for the back-end, in combination with the functional programming language 'ELM' (JavaScript runtime compiler) for the front-end.
2015 - 2017
IB - the Data CompanySoftware Engineer
I was responsible for IB's file and data resource management. A C# software application was developed, which was based on .NET and EntityFramework for data-management. The company now uses this software in their core business activities. The program managed to reduce 32% of IB's data resource usage by reducing redundant copies within their data. Moreover, I created modules for their Symphony web-environment; I created, among others, a full-stacked 'WYSIWYG CMS module' with its own '.less compilers' and developed a parser that creates its own front-end template based on a self-designed declaration language.
2004 - Current
At the age of 12 1 started obtaining my first ICT projects. This started out with creating simple websites for small companies and individuals but grew out into designing full fetched database systems and self-made frameworks and APIs. As of today, I still realize various projects via Brouns-design.
Unreal Engine | |
Unity |
Vue.js | |
Vuetify | |
Vuex | |
React | |
AngularJS | |
Bootstrap | |
jQuery | |
Ionic |
FastAPI | |
Laravel | |
.NET Core | |
WordPress | |
Symfony | |
Flask | |
Express.js | |
Django |
Chat-GPT | |
OpenCV | |
TensorFlow | |
Jupyter | |
NumPy | |
PyTorch | |
Keras | |
Hugging-face |
HTML5 | |
CSS3 | |
Sass (scss) | |
LaTeX |
Python | |
PHP | |
JavaScript | |
TypeScript | |
C++ | |
C# | |
Java |
GraphQL | |
SQL | |
Redis | |
SQLAlchemy | |
PostgreSQL | |
MySQL | |
MongoDB | |
D3.js | |
Elastic Search |
Google Cloud | |
Amazon Web Services | |
Microsoft Azure | |
Git | |
GitHub | |
| Gitlab |
Bitbucket | |
Docker | |
Ubuntu | |
Bash | |
Jira | |
Visual Studio Code | |
Visual Studio | |
Figma |